What Factors Can Worsen My Sleep Apnea?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonmjsc @ 8:04 pm
Red wine

Sleep apnea is a condition that can cause someone’s sleep to be interrupted more than a hundred times in a single night. This can cause a person to experience unpleasant aftereffects such as low energy, irritability, and even car accidents due to falling asleep at the wheel. Thankfully, there are measures you can take at home to lessen your symptoms. Here are a few bad habits to avoid so you can enjoy a better night’s sleep.

Poor Diet and Lack of Exercise Can Worsen Sleep Apnea

The body’s muscles relax during sleep, and sleep apnea happens when these relaxing tissues press down on and restrict the airway. When you can’t breathe in your sleep, you will reflexively wake up, and having this happen many times throughout any given night can take a significant toll on your quality of life. Obesity can worsen sleep apnea because of the added weight of tissue that can restrict air flow. If you struggle with weight gain, consulting with your doctor can help determine the best way to get it under control.

Alcohol Use Can Be Too Relaxing

Alcohol is a depressant that makes muscles relax. While many people enjoy having a beer or a cocktail in the evening, these libations can make the muscles around your throat relax even further during sleep, causing them to weigh more heavily on your airway. It’s best to abstain from alcohol completely if you deal with sleep apnea.

Your Sleeping Position Can Interrupt Your Air Flow

The position in which you sleep can contribute to the severity of your sleep apnea. If you sleep on your back, you can maximize the pressure that your relaxing tissues exert on your airway, causing you to wake up more often. On the other hand, sleeping on your side may reduce your sleep apnea symptoms by redirecting this pressure away from your throat.

Smoking Makes It Harder to Breathe at Night

While sleep apnea is already a frustrating breathing problem, indulging in a smoking habit can make it even harder to breathe properly at night. Tobacco smoke irritates your upper airway, your throat, your tongue, your soft palate, and many other parts of your mouth. This can cause these areas to swell, restricting airflow to your lungs and making it harder to get a good night’s sleep. The best way to address this issue is to quit smoking entirely.

While sleep apnea is certainly troublesome, it can be managed and treated. Consulting with your sleep dentist can help you find the best ways to address the issue.

About the Author

Dr. Melody Stampe graduated at the top of her class from the Baylor College of Dentistry and has a special interest in dental sleep medicine, TMJ disorders, and craniofacial pain. She has her board certification with the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine and is also a member of the American Dental Association. Her office in Richardson, TX offers treatments for sleep apnea, TMJ disorders, and other oral health problems that affect sleep. To learn more about dealing with sleep apnea, contact her online or dial (972) 907-1718.

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