Is TMJ Disorder Causing Your Migraines?

October 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonmjsc @ 6:37 pm
Woman sitting on sofa, struggling with migraine

Migraines are extremely painful; they can even be debilitating. Sadly, they afflict an estimated 10% of the world’s population. If you struggle with migraines, you may have already talked to your doctor about the problem. Certain medications and lifestyle changes may be helpful. But have you ever considered that your jaw might be contributing to the problem? Is TMJ disorder causing your migraines? This blog post explains what you should know.

TMD and Migraines

TMJ disorder (TMD) is a condition that occurs when the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw to the rest of the head, is damaged or strained. It commonly causes symptoms like jaw pain, facial aches, lockjaw, and more.

Research even indicates that TMD may contribute to migraines. One study conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil found that people with chronic migraines (migraine attacks on 15 days or more each month) were three times as likely to report severe TMD symptoms than individuals with episodic migraines. A separate study found that 80% of episodic migraine sufferers and 100% of chronic migraine sufferers exhibited symptoms of TMD.

Does TMD Actually Cause Migraines?

Migraines are a complex neurological condition, and these attacks are not yet fully understood by modern science.

There is no evidence to support the idea that TMD actually causes migraines, but it may be a triggering factor in patients who are predisposed to migraine attacks. The connection may have something to do with nerve endings called nociceptors, which play a role in processing pain. TMD provides constant nociceptor input, which may in turn exacerbate migraines.

Can TMD Treatment Help with Migraines?

Migraine patients are often advised to identify and avoid their triggers, which might include bright lights, loud sounds, and certain foods (such as chocolate and wine). TMD might be another trigger that needs to be addressed.

Fortunately, TMD is highly treatable. After a thorough evaluation, a TMJ dentist might recommend that you use a custom occlusal splint to relax the jaw muscles. Or, you might qualify for BOTOX injections, which can reduce tension in the face and relieve TMJ pain. Other treatments, such as minor adjustments to your bite, could also prove to be helpful.

After you receive TMD treatment, you might notice that your migraines become less frequent.

Is TMD contributing to your migraines? It might be! It would be worth your time to visit a dentist who offers TMJ therapy.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Melody Stampe at the Richardson Sleep and Facial Pain Center at CityLine is an experienced dentist who focuses on helping patients find freedom from TMD. She is a member of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, and other prestigious organizations. If you have symptoms of TMJ disorder and are interested in learning about your treatment options, Dr. Stampe and our team are ready to serve you. Contact our office at 972-907-1718.

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